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Last Day of School, May 31st!


Teacher Favorite Things

Principal's Corner

School is almost finished!  I can believe it.  The year has flown by.
Kindergarten registration is open!!!  If you haven't registered yet, do so ASAP.
May is going to be a busy time for us at South Jordan Elementary:  
May 3- May and June Birthday Table
May 6-10- Teacher Appriciation
May 7- Community Council- 4:00
May 10- Jump-a-thon
May 16- Choir Concert- 6:00 
May 20-24- Kindergarten Testing- No school for kindergarten
May 22- Orchestra Concert 6:00
May 27- No School- Memorial Day
May 29- Field Day
May 31- Last Day of School
As always, thank you for the support of your teachers and the whole school.
Bryce Eardley
South Jordan Elementary


We are open Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m - 3:45 p.m to receive enrollment documents.  If you are new to our school or registering a kindergartener, please visit our Enrollment Page 


The Utah State Board of Education may grant an educator one of the following education licenses:

  1. Professional Educator License – a license issued to an individual who has demonstrated all of the State established competencies to be an educator.
  2. Associate Educator License – a license issued to an individual who has met a minimum set of educator requirements and is completing all professional educator requirements to receive a Professional Educator License.
  3. Local Education Agency (LEA)-specific Educator License – a license issued to an individual, approved by the local Board of Education, who has met locally defined competencies to be an educator.

An LEA-specific license area or endorsement may include:

  • Out of State and Internationally licensed educators completing Utah licensing requirements.
  • Educators waiting for university license recommendations.
  • Educators with expired Utah licenses.
  • Educators working towards an Associate license area/endorsement.
  • Career and Technical Education educators completing skills testing.
  • Educators waiting to begin a university licensure program.

Schools may employ individuals holding LEA-specific Educator Licenses, as well as Professional and Associate Educator Licenses, as outlined below based on the employee’s FTE:


Location Type Fully Qualified Educators who are teaching under LEA Specific or are not Qualified Educators in an Associate Program to become Professional Qualified
South Jordan Elementary Elementary 94.85% 3.00% 2.16%